Investigation into Meta’s platforms for illicit drug sales

U.S. prosecutors in Virginia are investigating whether Facebook-parent Meta's social media platforms enabled and profited from the illicit sale of narcotics, the Wall Street Journal said on Saturday, mentioning papers and people familiar with the case.
U.S. prosecutors in Virginia are investigating whether Facebook-parent Meta's social media platforms enabled and profited from the illicit sale of narcotics, the Wall Street Journal said on Saturday, mentioning papers and people familiar with the case.

U.S. prosecutors in Virginia are investigating whether Facebook-parent Meta’s social media platforms enabled and profited from the illicit sale of narcotics, the Wall Street Journal said on Saturday, mentioning papers and people familiar with the case.

Prosecutors have initiated a criminal grand jury probe into Meta‘s platforms, formerly known as Facebook, as part of an investigation into the illicit sale of drugs. 

The investigation, which began last year, involves subpoenas and inquiries aimed at uncovering any involvement in drug-related activities via Meta’s platforms.

Involvement of Regulatory Agencies

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is actively assisting in the investigation, providing support to prosecutors by sharing relevant information and records related to drug content or the sale of drugs through Meta’s platforms.

Meta’s Response

A spokesman for Meta emphasized the company’s commitment to combatting the sale of illicit drugs on its platforms. Meta has stringent policies against such activities and works diligently to identify and remove any content violating these policies. 

The company also collaborates with law enforcement agencies to aid in the prevention of drug sales and distribution.

Ongoing Cooperation with Authorities


While the prosecutors’ office and the FDA declined to provide comments on the investigation, Meta’s proactive stance in cooperating with law enforcement authorities underscores its commitment to addressing illicit drug sales on its platforms.

Collaborative Efforts to Combat Drug Sales

Meta’s president of global affairs, Nick Clegg, announced the company’s collaboration with various entities, including the U.S. State Department, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, and Snapchat, to disrupt the online sale of synthetic drugs. 

This partnership aims to raise awareness among users about the risks associated with synthetic drug consumption and to take proactive measures to prevent their sale online.

Awaiting Further Developments

As the investigation progresses, both prosecutors and Meta are expected to continue their respective efforts to address concerns related to illicit drug sales on social media platforms. 

The outcome of the investigation remains uncertain, as investigations of this nature do not always result in charges being filed.

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Sam Jacob is an accomplished editor at International Business Magazine, where he brings his keen editorial eye and deep understanding of global affairs to the forefront. With a background in architecture and design, Sam offers a unique perspective on the intricate world of international business.

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